The team

Niklas Hill, managing director
Niklas has extensive experience in helping organisations to develop and he has seen a large number of associations from the inside. He is a researcher and an expert on democracy in civil society organisations.

Charlotte Ovesson, facilitator
Charlotte is a social scientist and expert on equality and diversity. She is running her own company as a facilitator, researcher and public speaker. She has been active in various associations for a long time.
Jessica Pettersson, facilitator
When Jessica was four years old, her parents sent her to children's gymnastics since she had restless legs. She has been active in associations ever since. Jessica has a masters degree in child and youth studies.

VI kan hjälpa
your organization
Trinambai has extensive experience in pedagogical work in civil society organisations. We conduct courses and develop education concepts. We facilitate experiential learning in order to make the participants absorb the knowledge. Group dicussions, role play and other practical exersises help participants to see their own abilities and to learn from each other. All our trainings are based on anti-oppresive pedagogy.
Trinambai has significant competence in social science that your organisation can benefit from. We can help you with research in both larger and smaller scale.
Is your organisation about to publish a book? Do it in cooperation with us! We are not only publishing our own books, we even produce material on behalf of organisations. You are in charge of the content, we contribute with our expertise in book production and marketing.