Niklas contributed to a day of training organized by the Swedish Organisation for Hard of Hearing Young People (UH) for our local departments and workgroups. We are very satisfied with Niklas? contribution during the morning hours when we had the opportunity to acquaint ourselves with his knowledge in membership recruitment and membership engagement. Thank you for an interesting course!
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Organisational Coordinator, The Swedish Organisation for Hard of Hearing Young People (UH)
Niklas Hill?s lecture ?How we receive a new member and how we can keep and activate new members? at the SAK seminar in Vaasa, Finland, gave rise to many new thoughts among us listeners and inspired us to a new approach to membership services. I believe that several trade union representatives will be using new methods in the planning of next year?s operations in their respective labour union branch.
Organisational Secretary, The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK)
The day started up many creative processes in my head that I usually have no time to develop in my daily work! A lot of time for exchange of knowledge, as well as a positive and engaging atmosphere among the participants and course leaders. The fact that you were so positive and encouraging contributed largely to the success of the course!