Areas of expertise
Vi är experter på demokrati, hållbar utveckling samt medlemsrekrytering och engagemang .

When we say that we work with developing democracy, people sometimes get puzzled. After all, we already have democracy in Sweden. True. But democracy is so much more than casting a vote every forth year. Democracy is not not static and we should not take it for granted. The threats against democracy are real.
A strong civil society contributes to democracy since democracy builds on active citizenship. That people get involved in different causes is thus crucial. Equally important are the structures for civil engagement. How democratic and inclusive are they? Organisations need to review their operations on a regular basis in order not to get stuck in old patterns. Trinambai helps organisations to innovate.
Sustainable development
Sustainable development fulfils today's needs without jeopardising future generations possibilities to fulfil their needs. There are three dimensions of sustainability: ecological, social an economic. It can not be achieved by technical solutions but only by social change. To this end, education that provides knowledge and provokes change of attitude is needed.
We at Trinambai are convinced that there are no easy solutions for complex problems. That is why we bring together experts from various fields to find innovative approaches.
We have also published the children's book Julia saves the forest about environmental activism and civil disobedience. Julia räddar skogen som handlar om miljöaktivism och civil olydnad.

Member recruitment and organising
Trinambai helps your organisation to grow. We are experts in how to successfully recruit, activate and keep members. We don't see members as customers but as citizens. We have an holistic approach on membership.
We summarised our knowledge in the books The Membership Model and Inclusive Organising. The Membership Model contains eight steps:
Reflecting: Defining the mission of the organization and encouraging the entire organization to support the idea of working with membership issues.
Analysing: Analysing who your potential members are and where you can find them.
Attraction: Identifying what you offer and to whom, packaging your messages and finding communication channels that reach your target groups.
Recruiting: Creating a recruiting culture in your organization, getting past resistance against recruiting and deciding who should be doing the recruiting.
Introducing: Welcoming new members and meeting their expectations in a successful way.
Handling: The ability to handle criticism and people leaving your organization, and turning that into a lesson that helps the organization evolve.
Activating: Turning passive members into active members.
Evaluating: Ensuring that you have achieved your goals and finding out what activities are worth repeating.
Om vill nå ut bredare kan du med fördel läsa boken Inkluflera ? inkluderande medlemsrekrytering. Den hjälper dig att kommunicera på ett sätt som tilltalar fler och att bygga inkluderande strukturer. Du får både strategiska perspektiv och handfasta råd för hur du kan få nya medlemmar att känna sig välkomna och komma in i gemenskapen. Den röda tråden är att få hela organisationen att engagera sig för ökat engagemang med hjälp av folkbildning. Inkluflera knyter an till Medlemsmodellen och den går mer på djupet när det gäller normkritik, tillgänglighet och mångfald. Boken riktar sig till förtroendevalda, tjänstepersoner och aktiva medlemmar som vill öppna upp sin organisation för fler!